Thursday 7 August 2014

01 The First Year 10 GCSE COMPUTING LESSON 2015/16


Welcome to the introductory lesson for GCSE Computing.  For 2015/17 I have decided that we will follow the course offered by Edexcel.  I feel that this will give you a far better learning experience and that you will be better equipped to tackle AS Level and beyond.

 BLOG and Google Classroom

You will be required to set-up your own learning blog.  This is where you will record what you have learned in lessons, show links to Google docs containing your homework and receive feedback.  You can use your yellow exercise books to take notes etc.  

You will also submit home work via Google Classroom where you will receive feedback


1. Go to Blogger and create your blog.
2.  Reply to this post with the URL of your learning blog.
3. Accept the invitation to Google Classroom


The specification for the course is below.


This is a link to the initial plan of what we will cover over the next two years.  Depending on the progress we make this may be adjusted.


If you haven't already make sure THAT YOU HAVE ENROLLED IN AND ARE FOLLOWING THE CODECADEMY Python course.    Python will be the language we will use for the controlled assessment - you cannot use anything else.  


Reply to this post with 5 facts about Python.  

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