Friday, 22 May 2015

Summer Half-Term Revision

Half Term Revision and Homework

1.       Revise the topic of the CPU

Revise Networking but in particular focus on LAN, WAN, EXTRANET, INTRANET and VPN

3.       You will be asked to write an algorithm/flow-chart

Revise algorithms by completing the following task and posting your answer by way of a reply to this post:
Rail fares are based on the distance travelled:
 • fewer than 5 miles: £2.50
• 5–12 miles: £3.25
• more than 12 miles: £4.15
 A processor in the exit barrier calculates the fare. A discount of 10% is given for off-peak travel, i.e. after 10 am and before 5 pm on Monday to Friday or any time on Saturday and Sunday. The ID of the railway station at which a passenger starts their journey is recorded on their card when they swipe in. The processor in the exit barrier uses a data structure called ListOfStations to look up the distance travelled.

 Write an algorithm to calculate the cost of a passenger’s journey. It must read in the start of the journey from the card, calculate the fare and apply any discount. The information must then be displayed in a customer-friendly way. (8)

Thursday, 7 May 2015


Create a detailed digital resource about RDBMS:

You should explain:

Entity relationships
Primary key
Foreign key

Data validation
Data verification


Data Redundancy